Tuesday, March 24, 2009
People spend lakhs on an MBA without even learning to pull simple puzzles together...
To stand for a CEO,all you've got to have is a business-sense. How different is to run a big company than to sell fruit from a cart or run a small shop in a village? well !! the answer is : "Not very!!" and that is the universal law of business.....YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK!!! Laxmi Mittal,Ratan Tata,Mukesh Ambani,Ajim Premji.......who knows you add on to the list!! So if you are a Street- Smart.. if you have the ability to focus on basics and make money.. if you can sense the opporunities and take advantage of them.. well!! VIRTUAL CEO is the exact place for you!! All you need to do is..
- capture your thoughts and explain in a clean ,simple language.
- understand the building blocks of business and figure out how company makes money..
ROUND 2: ABSTRACT submission on the topics provided.
ROUND 3: PRESENTATION on the submitted abstract. The participants can give their names to the
co-ordinators understated:
ASTHA (IT 3rd yr)
Is this a kind of notice..now wats that doing in ma blog? well ,ankur..my friend ,the secretory at SCOIT called me late night to mail a notice for Virtual CEO ,the event ... a few minutes back when I was blogging....so i typed out one here !! I dnt knw if that went stupid:( thats it.. now gota prepare business quizz..with puja entering ma room... ah!! the 11 th hour rush !!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Where am I heading to ?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Respect all women....
care all women...
help all women..
guide all women..
honor all women..
try ! all women..
love just one!
surrender just one!
Women's day today!
and that is all for the male readers in this column!
of late !! did I turn 18 to......realize the genuineness of Women's Day this march..(Oh !! did I ?)
well :) the above is even additional to the men's column !! he he
Now while I scribble in for the women's day,,plz dnt treat me any mahila - samiti head or a part of NAARI-AANDOLAN...
The young girls have just discovered their freedom ,older ones not to be outdone are exploring theirs! and it remains to see what men make out of this.....For while a man will not hesitate to make the most of a woman's freedom outside home... will he be able to tolerate his girl's freedom outside his home?
Freedom ,self-respect ,esteem .self-dependence being their motto the girls are in constant mess with who they are..a nd what they want!while striving hard in a glitzy ,rose-tinted world of multiplex machismo.She works at office ..then her children at home..whom some husbands find burden to care out of laziness,busy time or........In worse cases...women suffering their mate's physical and mental ill -treatments.....their clients,female-secretories ,extra maritals....so on and on and the same old story in the end;the womwn assume martyr status in the end..
In the same pond ,is the other section who cvonfirms one's independence by doing all they want to ...not answerable to ..(say men!)...for the phone calls they pick,the people they meet and for the venues they attend!To them ,,men are not necessary coz they need them ,but because they want them.!
.....all this in pursuit of..... happiness?HOW HAPPY IS TODAY'S WOMAN??
would yoU say Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a happy woman ?? And even if she is not..who knows what she wants to be happy ??
Well ,, happiness being subjective..relates to one 's own internal self ..none other than you yourselves ! can define or claim your happiness..Your hapiness truly lies in your hands!:)
Thats it for now...
me signing off from home..
yes! reached home last night!:)
happy holi to all!
with luv